11.00 - 11.40:  Dave Wilson, HEAnet
IPv6 - future of the internet

11.40 - 12.20:  Neil Costigan, School of Computing, DCU
Identity Based Encryption / extras: video, demo, req. software

12.20 - 13.00:  Karl Podesta, National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology
Grid Computing in DCU

13.00 - 14.30:  L U N C H

14.30 - 15.30:  Tiarnan De Burca, Special Olympics World Games 2003
Network Architecture for the World Games

15.30 - 16.30:  Pille Vengerfeldt, visiting @ School of Communications, DCU
Social aspects of online communities

16.30 - 17.30:  John Lyons / Brian Nisbet, HEAnet
Leading edge technologies in the HEAnet network

Redbrick - Dublin City University Networking Society, 2003